British Shorthair Kitty Videos

These are some moments in time here at the Beauty Tracks cattery. You’ll find lots of smiles and fun. That’s what our British Shorthair cats bring us every day. Enjoy!

6 week old British Shorthair kittens.

Enjoy the newest addition to our cattery, Zoey, entertain herself playing on a blanket.

Finally, it’s here! Our newest kitten video. The kittens had to wait so long they got all tuckered out! All that is but one. The kittens are three weeks old now. You can also subscribe to us on YouTube at to keep up to date with the kittens.

Natalie says…

I’ve had many cats in my life, but never a cat with so many wonderful qualities! My little B.S. kitten is not frightened by anything, loves everyone, curls up on my lap wherever I go, purrs and gives me kisses all the time and is sweet, playful, laid back and the best companion cat I could imagine. The lilac is a beautiful color and his fur is super soft. I have a couple of other cats, but he is definitely the favored child. ha ha! Thank you so much Cynthia and Diana! I didn’t realize cats could be this awesome!!

Ask Us About One of Our Irresistible Kittens

Our Queen, Mungo, as we call her, delivered five tiny and healthy, British shorthair  kittens on 11-11-11. Labor lasted for around four or so hours before the last kitten was born. Watch below and leave a comment if you’d like 🙂

This video is of one of our color point British Shorthairs watching our saltwater tank from the back of our couch. She loves to watch the fish. We got a couple different color points to begin breeding when they are old enough. This one is a chocolate point. Her name is Mocha (because my husband, loves coffee) Mocha’s sister is a lilac point. She isn’t shown in this video, but I’ll get some uploaded of her later. As I’m trying to type this, I have to go back and retype because our lilac point is walking all around the desk and my lap, and once in awhile, on the keyboard! These are great cats 🙂

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Enjoy our British shorthairs as they play with each other and their mama’s tail. They are seven weeks old now and quite the playful bunch! Our adorable kittens provide us with plenty of entertainment. Leaping, tussling, climbing and exploring everything keeps them, and us, busy 🙂

Here are our kitties playing in a box outside on our enclosed trampoline. They are five weeks old now (not 4 weeks like the video says!) They are getting to be super playful and fun! Enjoy!!!

Enjoy one of our little cream kittens enjoying some christmas wrapping paper. ~the simple things in life are the best!

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