Have you ever wondered how cats get points at cat shows?

Let me give you a run down of the scoring system. We show in TICA, The International Cat Association.

Purebred cats who are registered with TICA can earn points by showing. They begin as a Novice and work their way up. Championship cats are ‘whole’, so they have not been spayed or neutered and are at least 8 months old. Kittens can be shown when they are 4 months old up to 8 months old. Kitten points earned do not count toward titles, but it’s helpful to introduce kittens to the cat shows when they are younger. This way they can be comfortable with being handled by judges and being carried back and forth from the judging cages to their show shelter.

British shorthair in a cat show final
Judge giving a final to a British shorthair at a cat show



Here are the Titles that can be earned:


Grand Champion-GRC

Double Grand Champion-DGC

Triple Grand Champion-TGC

Quadruple Grand Champion-QGC

Supreme Grand Champion titles-SGC

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And here are the Championship Requirements for Titles:

CH 300 points from 4 different judges, plus one final

GRC 1000 points with 6 finals/4 different judges, 3 in Top 5 SP or Top 10 AB

DGC 2000 points plus 1 final in Top 5 SP or Top 10 AB as a GRC

TGC 3000 points plus 1 final in Top 5 SP or Top 10 AB as a DGC

QGC 4000 points plus 1 final in Top 5 SP or Top 10 AB as a TGC

SGC 6000 points plus 1 Best Cat as a QGC


Initially cats are judged by color, in the Best of Color Class (BOC). The top five are chosen. From the BOC winners, the judge chooses the top three for the (BOD) Best of Division.

A final is when a cat is judged against other cats and can be speciality (SP), or all breed (AB). (SP) is either long haired cats or shorthaired cats and (AB)is all cats, short and long haired. We breeders want our cats to make it to the finals. Making it to the final means our cat is in the top compared to all the other cats at the days show.

Showing is not about just earning points. Showing our cats allows us to meet other breeders and judges and learn more about our particular breed, as well as others. There are facinating breeds. We, of course, are partial to British shorthair cats and kittens! Shows are a great way to network too. We love to meet spectators and answer questions. We give our cats a special treat after every show ring to reward them. We are happy to introduce our cats to spectators and let them pet and talk to our beloved cats. We’d love to meet you there sometime! We show primarily in the NW region.

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